Spiritual Awakening Experience You Must Have

Spiritual Awakening Experience You Must Have

As I said, I will discuss about the spiritual awakening experience with you for a better understanding. 

So, let's begin. 

The Spiritual Awakening Experience 

What is the exact experience of having a spiritual awakening? 

Or when should I know that I am spiritually awakened? 

Though it might seem difficult, the answer is quite simple.

It's about you. It's when you know who you are. 

But one may say : " I already know myself. I am John and I am a great basketball player. " 

No, we are not talking about John.

We are talking about the one who is playing the role of John.

Knowing yourself deep even beyond the physical is spiritual awakening, which simply means you woke up to the truth of who you really are.

Now comes the point, how do you actually realise yourself? Is there a practical way? 


Now listen carefully. 

Close your eyes for a moment, and imagine there is a dead body beside you. (Don't be scared. It's just for the sake of understanding!) 

Now, there are two bodies in total : one is yours which is alive and one is dead.

Tell me one thing : " What is dead in that body and what is alive in this body? " 

The dead body is not moving. 

But your body can move. 

What is it that's moving your body? 

The dead body has ears but it can't hear.

Then, what is it that's hearing using your ears? 

The dead isn't aware, but you are.

If you sit with this realisation for a while, you will soon wake up to the fact that you are aware.

And slowly you will realise that you are this beautiful, vast awareness on a deeper level.

This realisation will make you realise who you are and this will lead to your spiritual awakening. 

Now, you will realise why some spiritually awakened people say that looking at other people is like looking at the mirror (because it's the same spirit using different bodies).

It's a beautiful eternal realisation you must have in your life.

Now, you can enjoy your form state much more because the confusions get clear. 

You feel lighter from within and excited on the physical world.

This gives you the balance in life.

Just make sure to attend this realisation as much as you can on a regular basis and this will give you freedom beyond words.

Thank you for reading! ♥️ 

(By the way, I am thanking myself, spiritually speaking🤭)

" Mindualist - Uplifting understanding, uplifting lives."

Spiritual Awakening Experience You Must Have

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