Life After Spiritual Awakening. Not What You Think.

Life After Spiritual Awakening. Not What You Think.

There are certain doubts and misconceptions that spoil the beautiful unfolding of your spiritual awakening experience. 

Once these doubts get removed, you are left with a life full of joy and excitement despite the challenges. 

Here are some beautiful changes you experience in life after spiritual awakening:

1. You Feel More Energetic And Lively. (Misconception - You Cannot Live A Normal Life) 

This had been my confusion ever since I got into my spiritual awakening journey.  Well, this is far from the truth. 

The truth is : you feel even more free to craft the life in your own way.  

This means you can live as per you decide to live and have as much fun as you want. 

The only difference is previously you did whatever had been suggested to you but now you can choose what's actually joyful for you. 

You can now choose your innermost priority of your soul rather than agreeing to every so called lucrative suggestion coming your way. 

This means, your energy and time won't be wasted on things you don't really enjoy from within.  

That's a total game changer. Isn't it? 

2. You Can Enjoy Material World Without Being Attached (Misconception - You Let Go Of The Materialistic World) 

This is a big confusion in many people's minds. 

Once you get to know who you really are, you begin to enjoy every comings and goings of life. 

Involvement replaces attachment. 

You enjoy whatever comes at the moment without being attached to anything in your mind for too long. 

Of course, you can think about the memories and good times but you're always excited for what's coming now. 

Moreover you realise the material is not different from spiritual, it is made out of the same spirit. 

3. Freedom From Unnecessary Suffering (Misconception - We Will Never Experience Difficult Times Or Challenges In Life)

It's always the mind or more accurately, the lack of understanding of how your mind works, which brings unnecessary suffering on autopilot. 

Spiritual realisation frees you from that unwanted suffering. 

This means you can still think various thoughts, but with awareness in the background. 

You realise when your thoughts take a wrong turn (eg - unnecessarily thinking about a worse incident 4 years ago for longer periods of time). 

This awareness takes you out from autopilot into the light: the light of knowledge. 

Knowledge of what's good for you and what's not.

This awareness becomes your tool for freedom. 

4. Enjoying Your Own Company 
(Misconception - You Fear Your Loneliness)

Another big misconception that has been around spirituality is you can't enjoy people's company. 

Once you start realising who you are, you no longer fear being lonely. 

You enjoy your own company and also love spending time with people your soul resonates with.

The fear of loneliness reduces to an extent that you start having fun time with yourself. 

So, these are the changes people experience in their lives after spiritual awakening. 

I hope you found this post helpful.

Thank You for reading. 😇

" Mindualist - Uplifting Understanding, Uplifting Lives. "

Life After Spiritual Awakening. Not What You Think.

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