Gifts Of Spiritual Awakening You Need To Know


Gifts Of Spiritual Awakening You Need To Know

Before we get into the benefits, let me tell you a little bit about spiritual awakening.

Well, the answer lies in the words. 

When you awaken to the truth of who you are, you are considered spiritually awakened. 

Simply stated, rather than living in the autopilot mode of limitations and lack, you realise the limitlessness of your existence as a spirit beyond body. 

This brings limitless courage to live a limitless life. 

Ok, here are the gifts of spiritual awakening you need to know : 

1. Feeling Of Unending Joy

The moment you realise yourself to be more than your body, you no longer find yourself to be a separate entity. 

In fact, you realise yourself to be the essence of all the physical forms and energies and this gives the feeling of oneness : pure, unconditional love. 

And during this realisation, all worries of limitations gets wiped away.  

This gives you everlasting joy and happiness from within.  

2. Confident Living 

This one is interesting.

Whenever you have tried to compare yourself with others or felt you aren't worthy enough, it took a toll on your confidence. 

As you realise you are not separate from others, and your physical form is just a unique vehicle of the same infinite spirit, you bring in infinite confidence wherever you go. 

Now, there is no doubt about the fact that infinite potential and power is in you. 

This becomes the source of your unshakable confidence in the long run. 

3. Attractive Vibe

This gift is truly wonderful. 

When you begin to act and express yourself from a realised place (rather than from ignorance of your true nature), you carry the infinite love with your expression. 

In fact, people and other beings you interact with can pick your energy, they can feel so good to be with you without any reason. 

In short, you become more attractive than before. 

(Of course, there will be people who don't love love. However, there will always be people who would love to interact with you).

4. Limitless Living 

Once you realise the limitless you, your life can't be limited.

This is because you will want to express yourself from that limitless state, which leads to limitless expression and limitless living. 

This simply means you no longer hold yourself back from trying new things in life or doing something you were always passionate about.

Despite the challenges, you will always find a way to grow and flow.

This gives you the inspiration to shape your life in your unique way and live the dreams you've always dreamt. 

Are you ready to uncover your gifts? Or what to know more about spiritual awakening? 

Let me know in the comments.

I hope you enjoyed this blog. Peace! 😇

" Mindualist - Uplifting Understanding, Uplifting Lives."

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