3 Simple Ways To Deal With Negativity. You Will Love This!

3 Simple Ways To Deal With Negativity. You Will Love This!

 Do you know you can actually withdraw your attention from negativity and bring it back to a choice of your inner joy? 

Most of us hardly talk about this. Because we think there is no way out to obliterate negativity from life. 

Though you can't ignore other people's negative attitude and behavior, you can choose what impact it has on you. 

Here are the 3 simple steps that will help you to deal with negativity effectively in the long run : 

1) Turn Ignorance Into Observation 

This means instead of running away from negative remarks or jumping into conclusions, get all your awareness into what's happening. 

When you pay attention and simply stay present, you are one step wiser. 

Now, every decision you make flows from this wisdom. 

That implies you will do what is appropriate at that time (no response; responding to criticism ; strictly responding to someone trying to misbehave with your loved one; laughing out at the criticism).  

You will know what's best to do when you stay a little aware. 

Imagine if you had tried to ignore the negative remark, you might be telling yourself in your head to avoid such thoughts. But doing so only increases more focus on negativity and you feel guilty why you didn't respond at that time. 

This is the most crucial step I must say. 

2) Don't Overdo In Your Head 

Think in terms of "focus." Whenever you overthink about the incidents you don't like, you give all your focus and energy there, which makes you experience negativity for a long time in your head.

It's better to respond when needed, the way it's needed and unhook your focus from there than trying to avoid the situation and making it worse in your head.

This habit of focus is truly your life changer. Your focus determines where your life is going. 

And I'm sure, eventually, you will become good at focusing on what you really want.

3) Let Go And Let Good 

When nothing seems to work for you and you feel totally caught in the grip of negativity, letting go is the way.

At such states, we might not be able to understand anything or implement anything. 

Hence letting go becomes a powerful pain reliever. 

You may close your eyes or simply decide to let go of anything, good or bad, this or that, from your head. You simply release all burden and become still. 

After some time of letting go, when you start feeling slightly better, you can now choose to think of your desires or anything that makes you feel good. (Again, only after you feel slightly better and relaxed).

You will notice a gradual but genuine shift in your feelings. You will start feeling a bit better than before.

This will help heal the wounds of negativity inflicted on you and will help restore vitality and joy in your life.

These steps are so powerful and practical that implementing them for a week will give you visible results. 

And as this understanding deepens in you, nothing, I say nothing will be able to stop you from living a joyful life.

Thank you for reading! 😇

" Mindualist - Uplifting Understanding, Uplifting Lives."

3 Simple Ways To Deal With Negativity. You Will Love This!


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