Can Negative People Impact Your Positive Attitude?

Can Negative People Impact Your Positive Attitude?

 No matter how positive you try to remain in life, you will find some negative people trying to drag you down. 

You may try to ignore such people, but you know for sure that's not the permanent solution. 

This mini blog throws light on your path of joy and how this path can eliminate the impact of negativity really well. 

The Path Of Joy 

For some, option A may seem joyful.

For others, option B is the most joyful path.

What I'm saying is it's only You who knows what you really want.

Because everyone is unique and so is their desires.

So, you know what brings you joy.

And how do you know that? 

Here is the life changing answer : 

The choices you make have an impact on your emotions.

Based on your emotions, you realise what's good for you and what's not.

For example : If a choice of yours make you feel truly joyful and satisfied, that's taking you to your path of joy.

If you make a choice that isn't worthy or makes you feel guilty later, that's blocking your joy.

Dealing With Negative People 

Now let's come to the point.

What about the negative comments? 

How to deal with negative people?


Realise with your experience that ignoring is not a permanent solution. 

How long will you ignore? At some point, you have to take a stand.

Now listen carefully (because I know this is powerful!) 

Neither ignore because ignoring is turning your face away from something that is in front of you.

Nor overreact because that keeps you disturbed and irritated and blocks all the joy you deserve.


Respond, if needed, at the moment. Respond in your own preferred way.

But once that moment is gone, come back to your own path of joy. That's where you truly deserve.

(Note : There are moments when responding is not mandatory. If something's not too serious to respond to. Again, follow your own way ) 

If you understand what I have discussed above, I promise you that eventually you will realise that you are not so much affected by negative comments.

In fact, the percentage of being disturbed keeps going down slowly and steadily. 

I know this will help so many people just like me who was once extremely disturbed by negative remarks and behaviours.

I couldn't help but go deep and figure out a way that can work for all.

And this understanding is my offering of support to you. 

Because I want to see you happy in your joyful path.

You don't have to do anything special. Just let this understanding sink in and slowly you will begin to implement what you understood.

Wishing you luck on your joyful path. 😇

" Mindualist - Uplifting Understanding, Uplifting Lives."

Can Negative People Impact Your Positive Attitude?


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